The Goslen Aesthetic & Skin Center
The Goslen Aesthetic & Skin Center
1918 Randolph Road
Suite 550
Charlotte, North Carolina 28207
Laser Hair Removal For Men And Women
As a man, you realize that nearly your entire body is covered with hair. Some is coarse and some is fine. You are in the habit of shaving or trimming your beard or mustache but what you may not like is that excess hair on your back, shoulders, around your ears or between your eyebrows.
As a woman, you might be surprised to learn that your entire body is covered with hair also. Most of this hair is fine and pale and usually is not visible to the eye. Sometimes darker, coarser hair appears in places like the face, neck, abdomen, breasts, arms or underarms, which makes it embarrassing to wear high cut swimsuits or shorts.
In the past, your choices to remove unwanted hair were plucking, shaving, waxing, chemical depilatories or electrolysis. Now there's a more effective solution, the FDA approved LightSheer Diode Laser®. This is a state-of-the art system designed to remove unwanted hair faster and with less discomfort that many other methods.
A session might take only a few minutes or could take up to an hour or longer depending on the size of the area being treated. More than one treatment may be required because the laser treats hair follicles that are in active growth. The treatment is almost painless, however, depending on your tolerance a topical anesthetic will be made available to you.
The treated area immediately after a laser session varies from patient to patient. After effects, which may include redness and swelling are usually minor.
2006 The Goslen Aesthetic & Skin Center
