The Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center
The Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center
4201 Lake Boone Trail Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27607

We offer both the GentleLASE, and the GentleYAG lasers from Candela. These are highly efficient and effective lasers, meaning you will require fewer treatments, and each treatment session will be shorter, than with other brands of lasers. The GentleYAG can be used on ANY skin type - fair, tan or dark! No anesthetic is required, and treatments are provided by a trained, licensed professional. A board-certified dermatologist is always on-site!

Most patients require 3-6 treatments (per area treated) to achieve optimal results. Treatment sessions are scheduled approximately 6-8 weeks apart. The area(s) to be treated should be clean-shaven immediately prior to each treatment session; it should NOT be waxed or plucked! You should also not tan for at least one week prior to each treatment.

2005 Dermatology Skin Cancer Center.
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