Swansboro Medical Center
Swansboro Medical Center
718 West Corbett Avenue, Swansboro, NC
(910) 326-5588
Laser Hair Removal
For decades, both men and women have tried various methods to remove unwanted hair from the body. These methods have included shaving, waxing, electrolysis and the use of depilatory creams. The problem has been that each of these methods produce various degrees of success and each has its own associated set of problems. Shaving simply removes hair above the surface of the skin and the hair naturally grows back. Waxing may last for up to 6 to 8 weeks, but it doesn't destroy the hair follicle and the hair eventually re-grows. Electrolysis is very time consuming and painful process. Because individual hair follicles can only be destroyed during the growth phase, about 50% of hair follicles are not effectively treated, requiring multiple re-treatments. And the use of depilatory creams is messy, smelly and time-consuming.
In the past few years, the development of laser technology has been one of the most innovative and exciting advancements in the fields of medicine and surgery. The laser is now being used in the long-term removal of unwanted hair. Men and women can choose between laser hair removal and traditional and temporary methods which include tweezing and waxing. Electrolysis, the traditional method of permanent hair removal, requires a needle to be placed directly into each hair follicle. The treatment is time consuming and can be costly.
How does a laser work?
The term laser is an acronym which stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation which means a highly concentrated beam of light (energy) produced in a certain way. The laser beam pulsates for a fraction of a second, targeting the pigment (melanin) in the hair in an effort to destroy the hair follicle. The heat build-up that occurs caused by the absorption of energy by the hair itself is capable of creating follicular damage. This prevents future hair production by the follicle. Several follicles are destroyed at once with the result that regrowth is significantly hampered.
Is the treatment safe?
There are very few adverse effects in removing hair with the laser. The procedure is individualized and based on the color of the skin and the texture and color of the hair. Fully trained professionals who have experience in all aspects of laser safety perform the procedure.
Who are the best candidates?
People with light skin and dark hair are the best candidates. People with darker skin color, light hair and tans may have special considerations and will need to consult their physician before undergoing laser hair removal.
Is hair removal by laser painful?
All hair removal has some small measure of discomfort. Some people experience only a mild stinging sensation while others describe it as a slight pin prick. A topical anesthetic can be applied prior to the treatment.
How long does the procedure take?
Each pulse emitted by the laser will treat an area of approximately 3/8 (9mm) of a square inch. The amount of time one treatment takes depends on the size of the area being treated. The upper lip, for example, may require as little as five to ten minutes while the legs will require a considerably longer period of time.
How does the skin look and feel following laser treatment?
The amount of discomfort is minimal and temporary. Immediately following the procedure, the skin may appear somewhat swollen and slightly red. The sensation has been compared to a slight sunburn. Within a few hours, the skin returns to normal. Physical activities are not curtailed.
How many treatments will be necessary?
The laser affects only those hairs that are in the growth phase at the time of the treatment. Additional treatments will be necessary on those hairs that enter the growth phase at a later time. Treatments are usually given at intervals of from 4 to 8 weeks or when new hair growth is visible. The number of treatments varies depending upon the type of hair as well as the area being treated. For example, in most cases, leg hair will require more treatments than facial hair. Many individuals are completely satisfied with two or three treatments while others undergo four or five for maximum satisfaction.
What areas can be treated with laser hair removal?
Most body hair, on both men and women, can be treated. Including backs, legs, underarms, abdomen, bikini lines, nose hair, ears, and facial hair.
What do laser hair removal treatments cost?
During your initial consultation, the procedure as well as the costs will be explained. It is our goal to make laser hair removal as comfortable and affordable as possible.
If you are interested in learning more about laser hair removal, please contact our office and we will be happy to answer your questions.
© 2006 The Laser Clinic Inc
