Summit Laser and Cosmetic Center
Summit Laser and Cosmetic Center
515 West Salisbury Ste. D
Asheboro, NC 27203
phone: (336)636-5100
fax: (336)636-5144
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment inside the hair follicle without damaging delicate pores and structures of the skin. Pigment is the key to laser hair removal. Hair that does not have pigment such as light blond, gray, white or red hair are not good laser candidates as there is little if any target for the laser to see. Also laser only works on hair that is in the active growth phase. Because hair cycles through "growth" and "dormant" phases generally 4-6 treatments will be needed. We recommend a package of 5 treatments to start with. Most patients see permanent results after these sessions. On occasion it may be necessary for some patients to continue on a maintenance program.
What does the treatment involve?
The patient is asked to wear eye protection consisting of an opaque covering or goggles. A small hand piece or "wand" is placed against the skin and the laser is activated. The laser is equipped with a spray cooling device delivered prior to the laser pulse. The cooling spray decreases the pain and side effects of the laser. The hand piece is repositioned and the laser is activated again. The size of the area treated will determine the number of laser pulses required. It is very important that the hair is not waxed or plucked in the period immediately prior to laser hair removal.
What are the advantages over electrolysis?
With electrolysis, the operator inserts a needle into the hair shaft with the intention of reaching the follicle, then sends a small electrical charge designed to disable the follicle. The operator then removes that particular hair with a tweezer. Hair removal is much faster with a laser as the laser is pulsed about once per second across the surface of the skin. Each "pulse" of laser light disables a large number of hair follicles. Electrolysis operators can only treat those hairs that they can see and which they can reach the follicle through the hair shaft. A laser treats any "active" follicle, even if the hair has not yet reached the surface of the skin, or if the hair shaft is not straight. Please keep in mind that white, gray and blonde hairs do not respond well to any laser and may be best treated with electrolysis.
Are tanned and dark skin types candidates for laser hair removal?
Yes. The current technology allows treatment of darker skin with unprecedented safety and efficacy.
Is the laser treatment painful?
While some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, most patients report manageable discomfort. Most patients do not require any anesthesia for treatments and experience no discomfort after treatment. For the more sensitive patients, anesthetic creams can be applied prior to the treatment. The Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD), attached to the laser, sprays liquid cryogen onto the skin simultaneously with each laser pulse to alleviate the slight sting of the laser pulse. This system minimizes the level of discomfort during treatment. It is important to note that a painless treatment might indicate that the hair follicles were not damaged enough.
Are there any side effects?
Immediately after the treatment the skin will look pink and slightly swollen, similar to a sunburn. This will usually subside within an hour or two and the skin will return to normal. Occasionally, a patient will have temporary pigment changes, blistering, or scabbing. As with electrolysis, cases of scarring have been reported with laser hair removal, but these are extremely rare. A test spot is the best determinant of how each individual's skin will react.
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