Southeastern Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center
Southeastern Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center
4390 Fayetteville Road
Lumberton, NC 28358
Toll Free: 1.800.245.7154
Phone: 910.738.7154
Fax: 910.738.4455
Our office is conveniently located off I-95 at Exit 22. We are about 25 minutes south of Fayetteville Regional Airport which is near I-95. After getting off I-95 at Exit 22, go east on Fayetteville Road for about a mile to our corner on Cricklewood Street. We are directly across from Peterson Toyota and next to New Century Bank. Our parking entrance is on Cricklewood Street. For detailed driving directions from your location, please click on the map.
Dermatology Services in NC and SC
•Diseases and Surgery of the Skin, Hair, and Nails
•Adult Dermatology
•Pediatric Dermatology
•Phototherapy including narrow- band UVB and PUVA
•Laser and IPL Therapy
•Cosmetic Procedures including the revolutionary FRAXEL Re:Pair laser for skin rejuvenation, V-Beam laser for blood vessels and birthmarks, and the RevLite Laser for brown spots, multil-color tattoos, and laser peels.
•Revolutionary Vaser Hi Def procedure for full body liposculpting
©2008 Southeastern Dermatology / Cosmetic Surgery Center
