Southeast Women's Center: Evans Regina MD
Southeast Women's Center: Evans Regina MD
300 South 3rd Street, Smithfield, NC
(919) 938-4040

:: Our Med-Spa ::

Southeast Med-Spa and Botanicals unite! Beginning September 1 2009, Southeast Women's Center providers are proud to announce the opening of a new Women's Health and Med Spa in Clayton. The new spa will employee Donielle Wybel from Botanicals and a liscenced esthetician, both to provide a full array of anti-aging treatments.

Treatments Offered:

- Botox & Dysport
- Restylane, Juvéderm & Radiesse
- Laser Hair Removal
- Photo Facials
- Vascutouch
- Chemical Peels
- Microdermabrasion
- Facials, Massages, Waxing, Spray Tan & Makeovers
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