Sona Medspa of Charlotte
Sona Medspa of Charlotte (Lake Norman)
Laser Hair Removal & Skin Rejuvenation
14330 Oakhill Park Lane, Huntersville, NC
(704) 354-3600
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal: remove hair from virtually any part of your body
What is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is the process of removing unwanted hair from virtually any part of your body. Unlike waxing, shaving, or electrolysis, you get permanent reduction with each treatment. Five treatments are generally needed for optimal results. Professional laser hair removal provides permanent hair reduction, according to the FDA, because it offers long term stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing after a treatment regimen.
What is the laser hair removal process?
A beam of light is passed over the skin, disabling every hair follicle in the area being treated. Sona uses state-of-the-art technology, administered by trained and medically supervised staff, with maximum efficacy and safety.
What results can I expect from laser hair removal?
With laser hair removal treatments you can expect significant permanent hair removal to the point that temporary hair removal methods seldom, if ever, are necessary. However, due to hormonal changes, hair color and skin tone, some clients may need a few additional treatments in order to achieve their personal level of desired results. This is why Sona MedSpa, and only Sona MedSpa offers the Sona Promise. Read more about the Sona Promise
How do I start the laser hair removal treatments?
Ask to speak with a Sona Consultant regarding your permanent hair removal needs. All of your questions regarding the laser hair removal procedure will be answered, and you will be ready to start enjoying the freedom of Sona-Smooth skin. Below are frequently asked questions with answers regarding laser hair removal:
Q. What areas of the body can be treated?
A. Almost any area affected by hair growth can be treated. Common treatment packages include:
* Leg hair removal
* Underarm hair removal
* Bikini line hair removal
* Chin hair removal
* Back hair removal
* Lip hair removal
* Neck hair removal
* Arm hair removal
* Facial hair removal
* Stomach hair removal
* Chest hair removal
* Body hair removal
* Eyebrow hair removal
Q. I’ve never done laser hair removal before; is it safe?
A. Laser hair removal is perfectly safe. You may feel slight discomfort during the procedure, but this can be minimized by using a topical anesthetic prior to treatment, as well as relying on your medical trained clinician, who is a laser hair removal specialist, to guide you through the process.
Q. How does laser hair removal compare to other forms of hair removal?
A. Laser hair removal offers significant permanent hair removal versus shaving or waxing, since hair follicles are not disabled with shaving or waxing. After each treatment, you come closer to becoming Sona Smooth.
Q. How do I determine my skin type? Why is that important for my laser hair removal treatments?
A. Our qualified laser hair removal specialists can help you determine your skin type. Sona MedSpa uses the Fitzpatrick scale. The Fitzpatrick scale is a method of skin typing that measures and refers to different skin types' tolerance to the sun's burning rays.
Fitzpatrick Scale Type Appearance Reaction to Sun Exposure
I Very fair, red or blonde, blue eyes, likely has freckles Always burns, never tans
II Fair skinned, blue, green, or hazel eyes, blonde or red hair Burns easily
III Very common skin type; fair with any eye or hair color Sometimes burns tans gradually
IV Typical Mediterranean Caucasian skin; medium to heavy pigmentation Rarely burns, always tans
V Mideastern skin types, rarely sun sensitive Tan
VI Black skin, rarely sun sensitive Tans well
Determining your skin type helps us calibrate our laser technology better to remove unwanted hair successfully and safely.
Sona MedSpa also ensures client safety by utilizing a sophisticated form of technology called a Chromo tester. Chromo testing tests the melanin in the skin of each client. This ensures that we are providing you the most effective treatments at the safest levels for your skin tone.
Some laser hair removal clinics or laser hair removal spa’s, will attempt to determine skin types, but only Sona MedSpa ensures client safety through chromo testing.
Q. How much does laser hair removal cost?
A. Laser hair removal pricing varies, depending on the number of treatment packages that are purchased, as well as the body parts that each client wishes to treat. For detailed laser hair removal pricing information, please contact our laser hair removal specialists at 1-866-GET-SONA. They will provide all laser hair removal pricing information over the phone, or you can schedule a free consultation to receive your laser hair removal pricing.
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