Raleigh Dermatology Associates
Raleigh Dermatology Associates
800 Springfield Commons Drive, Raleigh, NC
(919) 876-3656
Hair Removal(Dark Skin)
Laser hair removal effectively eliminates unwanted hair. Skin & Cosmetic Solutions uses the GentleYAG laser to treat hair on darker skin tones, ranging from fine to coarse on small or large areas.
GentleyagThe GentleYAG laser emits a delicate beam of light that passes through the skin and is absorbed by the hair follicle. Laser energy transforms into heat and destroys the targeted hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. Further protection during treatment is provided by a patented cooling system that increases comfort. Skin & Cosmetic Solutions can also apply a topical anesthetic to the treatment area one hour prior to a scheduled appointment.
Since hair grows in three cycles, patients undergo at least three treatments. The number of treatments necessary is determined by the hair's response to the laser, and numerous hair follicles in larger areas can be treated at one time. Treatment may take a few minutes or an hour depending on the size of the area being treated. Immediately following treatment, the targeted area's appearance may look slightly “sun burned†and show signs of swelling, blistering and mild bruising, but this won't last for more than a few days.
A 30-minute consultation with Dr. Puente is required prior to treatment to review the procedure and necessary preparations.
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