Professional Image & Laser Care
Professional Image & Laser Care
1339 Baxter Street, Charlotte, NC
(704) 335-1212
Skin and Hair Treatments
PILC's skin and hair treatments have been a great addition to our hair transplant services. People want to look and feel younger. Improving the condition and texture of the skin is the first step for many in reaching that goal.
Our experienced medical and clinical specialists can help you decide the right procedure for your individual situation. Take a look and see what we have to offer!
Facial Treatments
Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is the mechanical exfoliation of your skin. Aluminum oxide crystals are deposited on your face, which is in essence "sand-blasting" your skin. Why is it necessary? Well, your skin sheds 1000's of dead skin cells daily. Yes, daily. Without treatment, or removal of this unnecessary outer layer, your skin appears dull, flaky, and unhealthy.
Immediately after microdermabrasion, skin looks tighter, more youthful, and has a noticeable glow. You will have a hard time keeping your hands off your face!
It is safe, quick, and can be done on your lunch hour. Best results are 4-5 microdermabasions repeated 1 week apart. Our full line of SkinCeuticals products is used for all our facials.
Botox: Botox is the brand name of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Despite the serious implications of the name ... small, diluted amounts can be directly injected into specific muscles causing controlled weakening of the muscles. The injected muscle can no longer contract, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften.
The Botox procedure is FDA approved for safe effective treatment and reduction of wrinkles. The primary area of treatment is the face including the forehead, glabella, and crows feet.
Chemical Peel: Chemical Gel Peel is the exfoliation of your skin using an acid to safely remove dead skin cells.
We use 2 different types: Glycolic Acid peel, used for more mature skin and offers some hydration. We also use the Salicylic/Mandelic Acid peel which is the more widely used peel. The Salicylic peel is used for the person with oily/combination skin, acneic prone skin and also the person with rosacea.
The chemical peel is safe, quick and can be done on your lunch hour. Best results are 4-5 peels repeated one week apart. After a peel, we have to remind patients to keep their hands off their face. They want to touch this new skin because it feels so tight.
Pulsed Light Skin Treatments
"Creating A Youthful Appearance at the Speed of Light!"
Pulsed light skin therapy is based on emitting high intensity pulses of light ... not lasers. This technology penetrates the skin to correct those imperfections that bother you, such as: sun damage, rosacea, age spots, facial spider veins. The results would be removal of age/sun spots, removal of vascular lesions, even skin tone and texture. It is like taking an eraser to those imperfections, leaving a smoother, more even complexion.
Don't forget to look into the Skinceuticals product line. It uses antioxidants to help combat problems associated with photo-aging.
"Laser" Hair Removal
We also use our gentle Pulsed Light technology to perform what is commonly known as "laser" hair removal.
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