Natural Balance Medical Spa & Cosmetic Laser Center
Natural Balance Medical Spa & Cosmetic Laser Center
1409 Greenway Court (off of Hawkins Avenue),
Sanford, NC 27330
(919)774-6267 (NBMS)
Experience Natural Balance
At Natural Balance Medical Spa, pampering and indulgence are our way of life. Here you'll find the perfect setting to depart from everyday stresses. Natural Balance's specially designed spa services and packages indulge the senses and rejuvenate your body.
From the moment you arrive at Natural Balance, you step into a luxurious sanctuary of stress-free relaxation and complete focus on your well being. From medical grade skincare to massage therapy and cosmetic laser services, there is something for everyone.
Laser Hair Removal
The most effective treatement for permanent hair removal.
For many women and men, unwanted hair can be a nuisance, or even a nightmare. Today, with the remarkable advances in laser technology, unwanted hair is being removed safely and affordably.
During laser hair removal at Natural Balance Medical Spa & Cosmetic Laser Center, our skilled technician uses the latest in laser technology to remove unwanted hair. The hand piece is glided along the skin to deliver pulses of light/laser energy to the hair follicles, heat them, and reduce or eliminate the ability of the follicles to produce hair. Our state-of-the-art lasers treat thousands of hair follicles at one time.
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective alternative to smelly hair removal creams, sharp razors, stinging wax or painful electrolysis needles. Following laser hair removal, the area treated will be cleansed and you can immediately return to your normal activities. Any swelling and redness that appears after treatment usually fades within a few hours. The number of treatments required for optimal long-term results depends on the growth cycle of your hair and the hair density of the areas you have treated. Four to six laser hair removal treatments are commonly needed to achieve the best results.
What is the actual laser hair removal procedure like?
It’s a rather remarkable procedure when you stop to think about it. During the procedure your physician or certified laser technician will pass a handheld laser over your skin and zap thousands of hairs, one after the other. When the laser light passes through your skin's surface it reaches the tiny sacs underneath, which are called hair follicles.
Each follicle contains a bulb that germinates a hair shaft. When light reaches your hair follicles, it temporarily generates enough heat to destroy the follicles and bulbs. If the procedure is successful, your old hair falls out and new hair doesn't grow back.
The one main drawback to this form of hair removal is that you have to repeat visits to get all the hair. Since hair grows in staggered cycles, and the laser only removes current growth, you have to go back over a period of months to completely erase all possible hair follicles. The exciting news is that most people see a hair removal of 60 to 95 percent within six months. It is possible to have hair grow back in small areas but this hair is usually very fine and light in color. At this time, very blonde and gray hairs are not treatable with laser light; however, technology is trying to correct this and may be available in the future!
When will I start to see the results of my laser hair removal treatment?
When the laser light passes through your skin's surface it reaches tiny sacs underneath which are called hair follicles. Each follicle contains a bulb that germinates a hair shaft. When light reaches your hair follicles, it temporarily generates enough heat to destroy the follicles and bulbs. If the procedure is successful, your old hair falls out and new hair doesn't grow back.
Some lasers destroy the hair immediately and burn it, which can cause the treated area to appear as if all of the hair was terminated for several weeks. Regrowth will begin, but won't be as dense or coarse as before.
Laser hair removal requires repeat visits to get all of the hair. Since hair grows in staggered cycles, and the laser only removes current growth, you have to go back over a period of months to completely erase all possible hair follicles. The exciting news is that most people see a hair removal of 60 to 95 percent within six months. It is possible to have hair grow back in small areas but this hair is usually very fine and light in color.
You will have to continue to come back for additional treatments until all the hair follicles have been deceased. This is because your hair will grow at varying speeds over time. Remember that you will need several repeat visits to achieve your desired results, but that once you’re there it will require very little maintenance. You may need to come in for a maintenance visit once or twice a year.
How much does laser hair removal cost?
Price range for laser hair removal varies widely depending on what area you are treating. Much of the costs involved are related to the amount of time it takes to treat an area.
Typical laser hair removal price:
Upper lip: $65 per treatment
Underarms: $85 per treatment
Bikini area: $120-$150 per treatment
Legs: $175-$375
Neck: $120
Chin: $70
As you can see, the prices at Natural Balance Medical Spa & Cosmetic Laser Center are quite competitive and will give you great results for the money you spend with us!
What are the risks and complications associated with laser hair removal?
Although complications are rare, some of the temporary complications may include pain, swelling, redness and blisters, and permanent complications may include scarring and skin discoloration. Some of this depends upon you – please be honest with us about your sun exposure as it will determine how much laser light your skin can tolerate with minimal risk of side effects.
Other risks in laser hair removal can include either darkening or lightening of skin, swelling, inflammation, and infected hair follicles. Laser hair removal is particularly problematic for those who have tanned before their laser procedure and are tanning during the course of their treatment. We will let you know if you are an appropriate candidate for laser hair removal.
What are the benefits of Laser Hair Removal?
Many people have experienced great benefits from permanent hair reduction with laser hair removal. Women who have been waxing for years can finally quit spending money every few weeks. Men with wild or erratically growing hairlines can stop having the weekly neck trim and those with difficulty shaving under the chin finally have some relief.
Cosmetically, it's a wonderful thing to have little or no underarm hair and a clean bikini line for summer without worrying that you missed a spot.
The stigma is gone, and the laser technology is here to stay. More people are doing it than you know, and it's worth it.
So how long does it last? Once you have completed a full series of treatments, you should see permanent reduction for life. Because we have thousands of hair follicles, it's possible that not every single one will be destroyed, so Natural Balance does offer special pricing for hair removal treatments after the first 6 sessions.
What parts of the body can be treated with a hair removal laser?
Anywhere that you have unwanted hair can be treated. This includes the face, sideburns, chin, upper lip, ears, eyebrows, and neck.
On the body, the most commonly treated areas are the underarms, armpits, arms, bikini line, legs, and back. The latest application of the technology is to treat the entire pubic area, known as the "laser brazilian," or if the treatment is for men, it is referred to as the "boyzilian."
Brazilian Laser Hair Removal vs. Brazilian Waxing
In today’s world of super models and skimpy bathing suits it’s highly unlikely that you’ve never heard of a Brazilian wax. Men and women alike have asked for this exotic level of hair removal and for all kinds of reasons. Some say they feel cleaner, some enjoy intimate activities more, others just want to try something new and this is pretty new.
But why get a wax, which means the hair will eventually grow back, when you can get laser hair removal instead, which in most cases is permanent?
But I Don’t Like Waxing, How About Laser Removal?
If the thought of waxing any part of your body makes you cringe, then have heart because another procedure is available. Although it costs more, your results are much more permanent. During laser hair removal, a small hand held laser is moved over your hair and at various moments the laser is activated. When this happens, the light hits the hair follicles below the skin’s surface and essentially kills the hair so that it cannot grow again. Zip, zap, gone.
However, since hair grows in cycles, you’ll have to have several months’ worth of treatments to ensure you’ve gotten all the hair out. But overall, depending on how many times you plan to get a wax, laser removal might make more sense financially. It might not. The choice is yours. Laser removal is probably less painful, as you don’t have to experience the ripping out of the hair, just the light warmth and minor skin irritation side effects.
