Morganton Eye Physicians, P.A.
Morganton Eye Physicians, P.A.
640 Oak Street
Forest City, NC 28043
(828) 245-5550
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is an effective treatment alternative for unwanted hair. This remarkable laser is designed to remove excess hair faster, more reliably, and more comfortably than traditional methods. Cleared for permanent hair reduction, the Cuteraâ„¢ laser can treat men and women of all skin tones safely and effectively. The Cuteraâ„¢ laser can even safely treat patients with a suntan. Say good-bye to time consuming grooming chores and hello to improved appearance and confidence!
Because the laser affects hair follicles only when they are in the growth phase, more than one Laser Hair Removal treatment may be necessary to disable hair follicles that subsequently enter the growth phase. During your laser hair removal consultation, you will be advised as to the approximate number of treatments necessary for optimum results.
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