Graystone Eye
Graystone Eye
3521 Graystone Place
Conover, NC
(828) 322-2050
Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted hair can be embarrassing and a nuisance to remove. The FDA approved laser treatment is a non-invasive approach to permanent reduction and long-term hair removal. The treatment is specifically designed to eliminate undesired hair from all parts of the body for men and women.
Treatments are customized according to hair color, texture, and location on the body. Laser hair removal is most effective on darker, course hair. The first step in hair removal is to cleanse and shave the area. Using pulses of light from a highly concentrated light beam the hair follicle is destroyed without damaging the surrounding tissue.
Laser hair removal can be completed safely, quickly, and requires no down time so you can resume your regular activities immediately.
The procedure requires more than one treatment, during your consultation you will be advised as to the approximate number of treatments you will need. Laser hair removal takes multiple sessions and package pricing is available.
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