Fayetteville Internal Medicine
Fayetteville Internal Medicine
1778 Metromedical Dr
Fayetteville , NC 28304
Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is no longer a simple marketing buzzword in the aesthetic and cosmetic industry. The pressure is on for more and more salons to offer photoepilation services. Advances in technology and lowering costs, have turned the light-based hair removal market into a multi-billion dollar industry with millions of phototherapy hair removal treatments being performed each year.
Unwanted or excessive hair has been a burden since ancient times. Today, approximately 80 percent of men and women aged 16 to 60 remove face and body hair regularly. The promise of freedom that long term hair removal brings has found a very interested but somewhat hesitant audience. Concerns over cost and safety of light based treatments have denied access to many potential customers.
LHE, the next generation in light based hair removal, answers the needs and concerns of both practitioners and their clients. Its low energy levels create an ultra safe virtually pain free treatment that doesn’t require any preparation or skin cooling. The easy to use multi platform flexibility has lowered the cost of treatment to within reasonable boundaries for the average consumer.
Treatments are performed monthly for several months depending on the area being treated, with most areas requiring 5 – 8 treatments for effective long term removal.
Light based hair removal is based on the theory of selective photothermolysis. Selective photothermolysis involves using a high energy light source to target the melanin in the hair shaft, and then convert that light to heat inside the follicle. The heat then damages bulge and root responsible for producing hair.
To bring down the energy levels and increase safety, LHE relies on the innate synergetic relationship between Light and Heat to create a singularly efficient photothermal technique.
Along with powerful safety mechanisms, Radiancy engineers developed innovative algorithms that take full advantage of the skin’s thermal absorption capabilities and limitations.
Together these features lower light fluence to achieve unparalleled safety levels. With its unique light and heat combination, LHE maximizes the heat effect on the follicle without damaging adjoining tissue.
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