Dermatology Associates of Coastal Carolina
Dermatology Associates of Coastal Carolina
NEW BERN, NC 28562
TEL: (252) 633-4461
FAX: (252) 633-6016
Laser Hair Removal
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal is now considered the most effective method of hair removal. With light treatment, the procedure is safe, the re-growth is lighter and finer and it is quicker than conventional methods. Clients who are have dark hair and light skin have the best results.
Light-based hair removal treatment incorporates an invisible beam of light and heat that penetrates the hair follicle and destroys it, but preserves the surrounding skin. This treatment is precise and is recommended for removing hair from large areas. However, this process can also be irritating to the skin, which must be cooled with a gel or spray during the treatment. This cooling prevents the pulses of light from causing harm and discomfort to your skin.
Some clients have said light-based hair removal feels like a rubber band popping or snapping against your skin, and there might be an odor of singed hair. After treatment, you may have some redness or a little swelling. Depending on area of hair you are having removed, the procedure may take a few minutes to an hour.
With IPL hair removal, there is no downtime – you can return to work immediately. After treatment, you should avoid direct sunlight and tanning booths, and do not wax, pluck, rub or scrub the treated areas. To clean, gently wash with soap and water.
IPL hair removal is not a one-time procedure – it generally takes three to five treatments to see about an 80% hair reduction in the area treated.
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