Dermatologic Laser Center
Dermatologic Laser Center
2310 Randolph Road
Charlotte N.C. 28207
704.376.9849 (Office) | 704.332.8779 (Fax)
Beautiful Skin Through Advanced Laser Technology
Laser Hair Removal
Men and women have long wanted better ways of excess hair removal. This has included such techniques as waxing, plucking, and depilatories. As time progressed, hair was removed with electrolysis which was very time consuming and painful. With the development of the GentleLase body hair could be removed without damaging pores and other structures of the skin. The time necessary to treat facial and bikini areas usually is 15 minutes or less, but larger areas such as the back and legs could take up to an hour. Hair grows in cycles so multiple treatments will be necessary. Everyone requires at least 2-3 treatments while other may require 7-8 or more. The hair must be dark, not white or gray. You must avoid plucking, waxing, or electrolysis for 6-8 weeks prior to hair removal allowing the hair shaft to be in the follicle. An anesthetic cream will be applied one hour prior to treatment to lessen the discomfort, but most patients feel little discomfort due to the cooling system build into the laser.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:
* Removal of Unwanted Hair on All Body Types
* Less Damage to the Delicate Structures of the Skin
* Less Time and Money Spent on Other Methods of Hair Removal
Call us at 704-376-9849 to schedule your laser hair removal today.
Since laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure, insurance companies do not reimburse for these services. Our nurses do the procedures, but our experienced physicians are on site to set the parameters of the laser. Call us at 704-376-9849 to schedule your laser hair removal today.
The Dermatologic Laser Center are the Experts in Laser Hair Removal Services.
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