Complete Laser Clinic
Complete Laser Clinic
Valley Hills Mall, 1960 US HWY 70, Hickory, NC
(828) 267-6444
Laser Hair Removal
We are constantly updating our equipment to the most state of the art lasers. All of our lasers are FDA approved for permanent hair removal. Our laser treats unwanted hair on all skin types (I-VI), including tanned skin. To treat this range of skin tones and hair types for women and men, our lasers use an ideal wavelength, protective skin cooling and a range of pulse widths.
For best results, 4-6 treatments are suggested. Treatments are 4-6 weeks apart, due to the hair growth cycle. Number of treatments varies by area treated and the individual.
Complete Laser Clinic is professionally staffed by a MDs, PAs and RNs that have been specially trained and certified. We offer competitive prices and a free consultation.
We use the Soprano XL from Alma Lasers for "Pain Free, Hair Free" results
How does the Laser remove hair?
The laser works by a principle called Selective Photothermolysis. The laser is pulsed (turned on) for a millisecond emitting a beam of light on to the skin. The light energy passes harmlessly through the skin, but is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle and hair shaft. By absorbing this laser energy, the hair follicles are disabled, impairing their ability to grow. The laser is effective on hair follicles in the active growth phase (anagen), eliminating undesired hair from all parts of the body. Laser therapy leaves your skin looking and feeling softer and smoother.
What Laser does Complete Laser Clinic use?
We use the Soprano XL manufactured by Alma lasers.
Does it hurt?
Most patients describe it as a little uncomfortable, a tingling, stinging sensation during treatment. No local anesthesia or pain medicine is required and you will be able to resume regular activities immediately. .
How long is the treatment?
The treatment time can vary based on the area. The upper lip takes only a few minutes while the back or legs can take up to an hour.
How many treatments does it take?
The laser works by disabling hair in the active growth stage (anagen) at the time of treatment. Because not all hairs are in this stage during treatment, additional treatments will be necessary to disable all the hair follicles in the area being treated. Treatments are usually given at intervals of 6-8 weeks, or when new hair growth is noticed. In general, the average patient will require 4-6 treatments.
Are the results permanent?
The FDA has recently authorized the system for permanent hair removal. This decision was not made lightly, and only after reviewing statistical scientific data on the results obtained with this system. This is a claim very few other lasers in the world are allowed to use.
What should I do before my treatment?
Before your treatment, do not wax, use depilatory cream or have electrolysis for 6-8 weeks. You may shave until 3-14 days before treatment, but leave a 3-day stubble for your visit. This allows us to view the exact area that you wish to have hair removed. Use a sunscreen with 30 SPF to block sun and avoid tanning beds for at least 2 weeks before your treatment, or until your scheduled treatment date.
What happens to the skin after treatment?
Within about 30 minutes of treatment, the area may become pink or red. Patients describe it as mild sunburn this reaction usually subsides within a day. Because the laser does not damage the skin, no bandages are necessary.
What should I do after I am treated?
After your treatment, you can return to your normal activities. The treated areas should be handled with care after treatment. Avoid: Retin-A, alphahydroxy acids, glycolic acids, astringents. You may clean the area using mild soap and water. You should avoid tanning and use a sunscreen on any treated areas exposed to the sun.
What should I expect?
Around 2-3 weeks after treatment hairs will begin to surface. Most of these hairs were treated and are “falling outâ€, it is not regrowth. The hair follicles need to purge the hairs that remained under the skin. Please refrain from waxing, plucking, or bleaching between treatments (shaving is okay).
What if I have grey or blonde hair?
The laser light energy passes harmlessly through the skin, but is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle and hair shaft. By absorbing this laser energy, the hair follicles are disabled, impairing their ability to grow. Colorless hair (grey, blonde or “peach fuzzâ€) contain little or no pigment therefore the laser has no target (pigment). In order for laser hair removal to be effective you will need to use Meladine prior to your laser treatments. Meladine is a spray used twice a day for 2-4 weeks before each laser treatment. It does not color your skin or hair but actually is absorbed by the hair thus, creating a target for the laser.
Hair Removal Information
Laser light can destroy only hair follicles that are in an active (anagen) growth phase. Because of the body’s natural cyclical hair growth, not all hair is in an active growth phase at one time.
Hairs active growth phase is called anagen. During anagen, the hair contains an abundance of melanin (the pigment of the hair). It is during this phase only that hair can be effectively treated with laser light. Because not all hair is in active growth phase at one time, it requires multiple treatments at intervals to destroy the subsequent "crop" usually at about four weeks, although all individuals grow hair at slightly different rates.
Catagen is the regression phase when the lower part of the hair stops growing but is not shed, and the follicle is reabsorbed. This happens naturally, but is the effect of the laser treatment of a permanent basis as the hair root is permanently destroyed preventing regrowth. Because there is not enough pigment available, the laser light will not affect these hairs. (Nor will waxing or other types of hair removal, because the hair root will remain as a seed for the next growth cycle.)
The resting phase is called telogen, during which the old hair falls out (it is usually pushed out of the follicle by the growth of the new hair from the base of the follicle. If the hair root has been destroyed via laser heat, it will not re-grow.
Copyright © 2009 Complete Laser Clinic
