Central Dermatology Center
Central Dermatology Center
113 North Fir Avenue
Siler City, NC, 27344
Tel: 919 663 7131
Laser Hair Removal
Now there is a better solution for removing unwanted hair!
LightSheerâ„¢, the gold standard in laser hair removal, can help you achieve the smooth skin you want with no fuss.
Central Dermatology Center is pleased to offer the gold standard in laser hair removal, the LightSheer diode laser. LightSheer treatments are a safe, non-invasive, long-term solution to unwanted hair on all body parts and any skin type, including ethnic and dark complexions. Say goodbye to messy creams and temporary solutions! In an hour or less, you'll begin to have smoother, sleeker skin. You can even resume your regular activities immediately following treatment. It's that easy!
How does laser hair removal work?
Lasers work by producing an intense beam of light of a single wavelength, making it possible to selectively target very specific structures of the skin. A pigment lining the hair follicles, called melanin selectively absorbs the energy from the Light Sheer Diode Laser. Absorption of this energy from the laser beam creates a local build-up of heat in the hair follicle, sufficient to retard or completely prevent future hair production.
A single laser treatment of an area of skin will cause nearly all visible hairs to be initially shed However, it is expected that some of those hairs will be able to regrow, and will require additional treatments to be permanently removed. This is because hairs are susceptible to laser treatment only during certain phases of their growth. Hair growth follows a 3-phase cycle: the anagen follicle contains a growing hair, which is the major target for the laser, representing the most vulnerable phase of the hair growth cycle. Telogen, or resting hairs, are not actively growing and appear to be more resistive to the laser energy.. The transitional phase between the anagen and telogen phases, known as the catogen phase, is brief but also relatively resistant to laser removal.
Depending on the body site, varying percentages of hairs are in the anagen, catagen and telogen phases. Since the laser only works on hairs in the anagen phase of growth, it will be necessary to treat a given anatomical area more than once in order to achieve permanent hair reduction. For example, at any given time, only 20% of hairs in the underarm are in anagen phase. Although most of the underarm hairs may be temporarily removed with one treatment, it may take from four to seven treatments for a more complete result. In order to allow enough time to pass for all hairs in a given area to cycle through their anagen phase, a waiting period of one to three months between treatments is often necessary.
What do I have to do before treatment begins?
During your initial free consultation you will be asked to provide a detailed medical history and have a clinical examination. Laser hair removal works best on lighter skinned people. If hair removal is going to be done on areas of exposed skin, you will need to avoid tanning for several weeks before treatment. Use sunscreen conscientiously, and refrain from using sunless tanners. Patients with darker skin types may be given a bleaching cream to use before treatment to enhance the contrast between their hair and skin pigment. Prior to laser treatment, hair plucking or tweezing of hairs should be avoided.
How is laser treatment performed?
Laser hair removal is a straightforward process. You will be given a prescription for a topical anesthetic cream to reduce discomfort. Prior to treatment, the hairs will be shaved. Treatment times vary from a few minutes for the upper lip, chin and neck, to an hour for extensive areas of the legs, chest or back. The underarms and the bikini areas can generally be treated in less than twenty minutes. After the procedure, cool compresses and the appropriate cream can be applied to the treated area. Patients will be asked to return in a month or so, depending on the body site treated.
What will I look like after treatment?
The application of laser energy to the skin results in a pink color and, on occasion, crusting may develop lasting a few days. Discomfort similar to a sunburn may be noted in the first day, and Tylenol or a mild codeine containing analgesic may be used. In certain instances, especially in darker complected individuals, temporary pigmentation changes may occur. One may notice hair within follicles for up to two weeks after a treatment. These will fall out, leaving smooth hair-free skin.
What are the risks associated with laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal has been proven to be a very safe procedure. Since laser pulses are constant energy at a specific setting, there is little chance of scarring with this process. As noted above, some temporary change in pigmentation may be noted in the lasered sites, especially in more darkly pigmented patients. There may be some redness or crusting after the procedure which is treated by the application of the appropriate cream. There is a physician on call 24 hrs. a day to assist you through the post-operative procedure and to answer any questions at any time.
What are the costs involved in this procedure?
Laser hair removal involves the use of sophisticated expensive laser equipment in order to deliver precise and effective energy pulses. During your initial consultation, the areas to be treated will be determined, and a fee quoted to you. The fee is based on the entire number of treatment sessions required and postoperative care. Our aim is to provide safe, effective and affordable laser treatments for patients who wish to avail themselves of this service.
What can I expect?
With the newer technologies now available, laser hair removal is a widely accepted medical procedure. Patient variation and the nature of hair follicle growth make it possible to predict the exact outcome in every case. With proper patient selection and technique, this procedure results in the permanent reduction of unwanted pigmented hair. We remain committed to achieving patient satisfaction with the best possible results.
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Central Dermatology Center, PA
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