Central Carolina Gynecology & Urogynecology
Central Carolina Gynecology & Urogynecology
Suite 2900
1236 Huffman Mill Road
Burlington, NC 27215
Tel: (336) 584-6868
Fax:(336) 584-3211
We have the Altus Laser for hair removal.This is an amethyst laser and is designed to work on the hair follicles. I don't really understand the underlying physics, but it shoots out a pulse of light that is absorbed only by certain colors. The machine is set up so that the colors that absorb it are found most only in the follicles of growing hairs. It is like electrolysis except not at all painful. I tried it at maximum power on my arm and it just felt like a mild electric shock. At the usual settings for hair, I think it will be imperceptible. The laser only works on growing hairs, so the treatments will have to be repeated to get the hairs that are in dormant or resting phase. Unlike other lasers, it will work on all skin colors even black or tanned skin and all hair colors except the lightest white or blond. It can be used on blue spider "scribble" veins. The up-grade for red veins has arrived is working well. Some of my patients have brought in their husbands for treatment. We have done backs, necks and beard lines as well as "uni-brows" on men. The treatment may be a little hard on tattoo's so we have to be careful! The response has been overwhelming but there are still appointments available. We plan to have special hours for hair removal treatments, with morning and evening appointments. So far though we are still in the 8:30 to 5:00 mode. But if you have special appointment needs, discuss them with Erika. It is doubtful that insurance will have any interest in paying for these treatments but we will work out some sort of payment plan for people who want to. We have found that our prices are VERY competitive with this service offered in other offices and our equipment is definitely "cutting edge." There is NO charge for the initial consultation.
