Center For Women's Health
Center For Women's Health
101-B Professional Park Dr. Oxford, NC 27565
Aesthetic Skin Services
Along with maintaining the highest quality of care to our patients Center For Women’s Health has added Laser Hair Removal to its list of services.
Laser treatment for hair removal is an exciting area within laser medication and surgery. Using the Lightsheer TM laser, approved by the FDA for permanent hair reduction, the providers at Center For Women’s Health are now able to perform safe, affective, affordable and permanent laser hair removal.
How does laser hair removal work?
The procedure involves laser energy that is delivered through the skin to the pigment granules in the hair follicles, known as melanin. As a result of this energy (heat) absorption by the hair shaft future hair reduction is retarded or prevented.
How successful is treatment?
Success of treatment is based on a variety of factors such as a hair growth cycles, and maintaining your appointment schedule. Since it is so individual, this will be discussed further during your consultation.
How is treatment performed?
Prior to your treatment, a topical anesthetic is applied. This will reduce the discomfort associated with the process. Prior to treatment, the area should be clean shaved. Treatment time varies from a few minutes for small areas such as the bikini line to a few hours for areas such as legs and back. After treatment, cool compresses are used along with time to relax before you leave.
What Will I look Like After Treatment?
Since treatment involves absorption of laser energy, the skin can appear pink in color immediately after treatment. This can last for a couple of hours. In the couple of days following treatment, it is possible to develop a mild irritation that will resolve in a few days. Discomfort similar to sunburn is also a possibility. Finally, in certain instances, temporary pigment changes may be noted.
What do I do before treatment?
During your initial consultation you will be asked to provide a complete medical and hormonal history. For darker complexion patients, a bleaching cream may be prescribed for three weeks prior to treatment.
What are the risks involved with laser hair removal?
There is little to no chance of scarring associated with the procedure as long as you follow the treatment guidelines given to you at your consultation. In certain cases, temporary increased or decreased pigmentation will be noted within the laser sites.
What are the costs involved?
During your consultation, the areas to be treated will be assessed and a fee quoted. Our goal is to provide affordable services through competitive pricing.
Offering free, confidential consultations.
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