Blue Water Spa Laser Hair Removal Center and Medical Spa
Blue Water Spa Laser Hair Removal Center and Medical Spa
10931 Raven Ridge Road
Suite 102
Raleigh, North Carolina 27614
Laser Hair Removal by Blue Water Spa
Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary and Surrounding Areas in North Carolina
For many women and men, unwanted hair is a nuisance....or even a source of embarrassment. Until recently, laser hair removal has been uncomfortable, time-consuming, expensive and provided results that were inconsistent at best.
Advances in laser technology have resulted in far better results, and treatments that are safer, faster and more comfortable than ever before. Laser hair removal works on just about any area of the body where smooth skin is desired... underarms, face, neck, back, legs, shoulders, bikini line, you name it. Raleigh now offers the finest in laser hair removal for men and women at Blue Water Spa.
Click for laser hair removal pricing
Laser Hair Removal for Men
You want laser hair removal WHERE?
Brazilian Bikini / Mankini laser for men and women
What to Expect During a Laser hair Removal Consultation and Treatment
Not all lasers, or all laser centers, provide the same level of treatments.
Here are a number of advantages of laser hair removal
with Blue Water Spa & Michael Law MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery:
We have provided training for physicians on laser hair removal since 1995 and we are a national training center for laser hair removal and medical spa technology. We continue to learn and train others about the safest, most effective, fastest, and most comfortable laser hair removal available. We perform over 10,000 laser hair removal procedures each year on men and women of all skin types.
The lasers we use have been evaluated as the most effective in peer-reviewed medical journals. These sophisticated lasers target the root of the hair so specifically that they not only eliminate very dark and coarse hair, but are also the most effective lasers for the removal of fine hair and even hair with a light brown root.
The lasers we use have a large spot size, proven to be most effective for hair removal. We also use lasers with the highest watts of power available to provide the maximum amount of power to the root of the hair without damaging surrounding tissue. Please scroll down for more detailed information.
Full legs or a back can be treated in just 20 minutes. Our lasers use an 18mm spot size (about the size of a quarter). Older generation lasers use a 10 -12mm spot size (about the size of a dime). This larger spot size coupled with more hertz (power), means a faster and more effective treatment.
We use a patented cooling device for that means a more comfortable treatment and eliminates the need for topical anesthetic. The DCD dynamic cooling device is the ONLY cooling device that provides consistent cooling from the first pulse to the last. No cooling system is safer or provides a more comfortable treatment.
There is no one laser ideal for all skin types. Therefore, we have 2 different lasers for hair removal. Dark or tanned skin requires a laser with a long pulse. A longer pulse means that more of the laser energy is delivered to the root of the hair rather than to the surface of the skin where pigmentation problems might occur with lasers designed to treat light skin.
We are confident with the way our lasers perform. We know that if our clients see results, they will be back. We only offer individual treatments, not a series of treatments. Each person will respond a little differently to treatment and some people will require more treatments than others. We don't want money from a person until a treatment has been performed.
How does laser hair removal work?
The laser targets the darkness of the melanin pigment in the hair follicle. Since melanin is only produced in the growth phase of the hair, the laser must target the hair follicle during this cycle. At any given time, 20–40% of the hair in a particular area may be in a growth phase. Therefore, more than one treatment needs to be scheduled, preferably at 6–8 week intervals. With multiple treatments we can ensure that all hair follicles are being disabled.
Can all hair and skin colors be treated effectively with laser?
There is no one laser that is ideal for all skin colors. At Michael law, MD P.A. and Blue Water Spa, we have a laser for light skin and a second laser for dark skin. The alexandrite laser we use has been evaluated as the most effective laser for removing hair. However, this laser is ideal for light skinned individuals. The long pulsed nd:yag laser we use is ideal for dark skinned individuals. The longer pulse means that the laser energy will be absorbed by the root of the hair and not the surface of the skin. This means laser hair removal will be safer and more effective for dark skinned individuals. While laser hair removal can be performed on virtually any skin color, the color of the hair is the most important factor. The laser is attracted to the melanin (the dark pigment) in the hair follicle. Thus, darker hair is treated most effectively. If your hair has a blonde, red, or dark gray root, you may not be a good candidate for laser hair removal.
Do you offer complimentary consultations?
Absolutely. We believe that a consultation is important for any client considering laser hair removal. We will perform a test spot so the client can see how the laser feels and we can answer any questions so the client can better understand what the laser can do. We can also determine if you are a good candidate for laser before you commit to any treatment. However, some people would like the idea of receiving treatment the day as a consultation. If you are a good candidate for laser hair removal, a treatment can be performed the same day.
Does my hair need to be “grown out†before my treatment?
No. We actually recommend that you shave the area to be treated. Waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or any other method that removes the root of the hair must be discontinued at least two weeks prior to treatment. Since the laser targets the root of the hair, it must be present for the treatment to be effective.
What areas of the face or body cannot be treated with laser?
None. All areas of the face or body can be treated with the laser that is suited for your skin type.
Is laser hair removal painful?
While everyone's pain tolerance is different, the majority of clients do not think it is painful. Our patients report that treatment with our lasers is much more comfortable than other lasers and far more comfortable than waxing. Our lasers are equipped with a DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device) that makes the treatment both comfortable and safer to the skin than other lasers. Because the lasers we use have a very large (18mm) spot size, treatments are very quick. Any discomfort one experiences is over very quickly.
Will I have to use any topical numbing preparations before my treatment?
Absolutely not. We do not, nor have we ever prescribed, dispensed, or recommended any topical numbing preparations (prescription or non-prescription) prior to laser hair removal. The DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device) our laser is equipped with eliminates the need for any topical numbing preparations. Before every laser pulse, a cryogen (cooling agent) is automatically sprayed onto the skin within the laser field that protects and partially numbs that area. This makes the treatment safer and more comfortable.
What are the risks involved with laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is a 'lunch time' procedure. There is no recovery or down time. Patients can return to their normal activities immediately. These lasers do not injure the dermis so the risks are extremely low. As with any procedure, you will be given an informed consent to read over that explains all the possible risks. Sun exposure or tanning beds and certain medications could possibly make the skin more sensitive to the thermal energy of the laser. For this reason, it is important to seek laser hair removal treatment only from a medical office that requires information about medications, health history, etc. prior to receiving a laser hair removal treatment.
Do you sell packages, and is laser hair removal affordable?
We don't sell packages – we never insist on payment of multiple treatments up front. Every patient differs in the way that their hair responds to the treatment. Any given area typically requires an average of five to seven treatments but this can vary from person to person. This is why we price per treatment. We are confident in the way our laser performs and there is no reason to require clients to pay up front before seeing the results of a treatment.
Is there a board-certified physician on-site?
Yes. We are a fully-integrated medical spa and plastic surgery office. Blue Water Spa is owned and operated by Dr. Michael Law who is a board-certified plastic surgeon and his wife, Kile Law, who has over 11 years experience in training doctors and other aesthetic professionals on laser hair removal. Our office is a national training center for laser hair removal and other medical spa services. Physicians, laser technicians and other aesthetic professionals come to us for training.
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Laser Hair Removal for Men
Call it deforestation, manscaping or de-fuzzing. Whatever you call it, hair removal for men is gaining popularity in Raleigh and all parts of the country. Hair removal by laser, as opposed to waxing, provides a permanent result without the need for unattractive hair growth between treatments. At Michael Law MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center and Blue Water Spa in Raleigh, North Carolina, we see a significant number of men looking for laser hair removal. Professional athletes, bodybuilders, swimmers, cyclists, triathletes and many others require a hair free physique. Other men simply like the idea of feeling more confident free of unwanted hair that makes them feel uncomfortable. According to a recent article in USA Today, men are not only waxing their backs, but also their bikini lines.
According to Newsweek magazine, many men are getting the equivalent of the Brazilian bikini wax. While some gay men have been waxing their bikini area for years, it seems that now many straight men are paying to have the hair of the nether regions removed – all of it! They say it's all in the name of vanity.
Many of our male clients have been removing unwanted hair for many years with methods other than laser hair removal. It is not uncommon for men to tweeze, wax or shave their eyebrows, ears, nose, hands, abdomen, you name it, before discovering laser hair removal. Many athletes and bodybuilders tell us that one of the most time consuming and frustrating parts maintaining their physique for training is not the training, it's removing unwanted hair.
Many men report that the lasers we use at Michael Law MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Blue Water Spa provide a treatment much more comfortable than waxing. A large spot size coupled with a patented cryogen cooling device means laser hair removal treatments are safe, fast and comfortable.
In some cases, men are looking for a reduction in the amount of hair and don't necessarily want to be totally bare. Some men who feel self conscious about the hair on their back, chest, legs, hands or abdomen are very pleased to see the reduction that two or three treatments might offer.
Your privacy is very important to us. While seated in our waiting area, one might assume you are about to receive a massage. We are very discreet about all services provided. We regularly treat high profile individuals including athletes, musicians, actors and others.
Whether or not you elect to have laser hair removal at Michael Law MD Aesthetic Surgery Center Blue Water Spa, do your homework about laser hair removal. Not all lasers or all medical offices providing laser hair removal are created equal. Also, know that countless men have experienced laser hair removal and others are using another modality for hair removal. Find a medical office with experience in laser hair removal just for men in a professional discreet environment with an on-site physician.
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You want laser hair removal WHERE?
Unless you have hair on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet, you are not unique. Some women feel embarrassed about hair on their chest, neck, face, feet, forehead, hands, abdomen, hands, buttocks or other areas. Hair in these areas on a woman is not unique.
We know men shave their face, but men also shave their noses, ears, eyebrows, hands, shoulders, arms and many other areas of the face or body. Laser hair removal for men of the back, neck, chest and shoulders are some of our most requested procedures. Male athletes must remove hair of the body some way in order to perform.
We have all heard about Brazilian bikini waxing. Well, what about Brazilian bikini lasering? We do that too. What exactly is a Brazilian bikini laser? Well, that part is up to you. During the consultation process, you let the technician know which areas you want treated and any areas you want untreated.
A medical office with many years of experience in laser hair removal will not be surprised to hear that man wants his ears and nose treated with a hair removal laser. Likewise, an experienced laser hair removal office will have ample experience performing laser hair removal on any area of the face or body of a woman.
Since 1995, we have been working with laser hair removal and providing training to other medical professionals. We continue to learn and train others about the safest, most effective, fastest, and most comfortable laser hair removal available.
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Brazilian Bikini or Mankini Laser – What is a full Brazilian?
A full Brazilian bikini procedure is perfect for those who have a preference for nothing more than a neat strip of hair. Yes, a full Brazilian is that extensive, with some people opting for no pubic hair whatsoever. These procedures are our fastest growing because many men and women love the idea of not having to worry about bikini bumps and ingrown hairs.
Generally laser hair removal of the bikini area takes less than 30 minutes, depending on what exactly will be done. Variations of the Brazilian laser hair removal treatment laser hair removal treatment are:
1. outside of the swimsuit
2. outside the suit plus the peri-anal area
3. Everything but a small strip of hair
4. Finally, both men and women sometimes request complete removal of hair
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What to Expect During a Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Prior to your first treatment, you will have a consultation. During the consultation, we will determine your skin type, review any medications you have been taking and get a general health history.
If you are on medications that could create photosensitivity, or if there is an issue in your medical history that could result in a less than ideal treatment, we will either perform a test spot or inform you that laser hair removal may not be safe or effective at this time.
Following the consultation, if we determine you are a good candidate, we will proceed with treatment starting with a test spot. This spot typically is inside the arm. While we wait a few minutes to see what effect the test spot has on your skin, we will ask that you specifically let us know what hair you want removed. We can even offer you a new white eyeliner pencil so you can draw where you would like the laser hair removal to start and end.
Excessive sun exposure either before or after laser treatments are not advised and we will not perform LHR on individuals who have had or will have excessive sun exposure immediately before or immediately after laser treatments. Individuals who go to tanning beds are never good candidates for laser hair removal as this concentrated form of UVA light is considered by many to be far more dangerous than traditional sun exposure.
Each person receiving a laser treatment will be wearing protective eyewear. You will still be able to see a flash of light, but your eyes will be completely covered. The laser technicians wear a type of eyewear, as well.
During the treatment, all areas of the body that will not be lasered will be covered with clothing. Only the areas to receive laser treatment will be exposed. Much like massage, we use modesty towels to cover any area adjacent to the area being treated. We are always mindful of your comfort and your peace of mind. There won't be any surprises as we will let you know ahead of time what to expect.
Our clients are looking for professional, skilled, friendly clinicians and that is what our clients find at Blue Water Spa, Michael Law MD, PA. As a medical office we must always follow HIIPA (privacy guidelines). These laws prohibit us from sharing your experience with others. Our staff is well trained and confident. We perform over 10,000 laser hair removal services each year and have been working with hair removal lasers since 1995.
We ask that you arrive on time for your appointment. We also ask that you shave whatever possible yourself. Shaving the full bikini area may be tough for some, but we encourage you to try. Patients are typically much more comfortable shaving themselves than when we have to shave them. We also ask that you are freshly showered or bathed with completely clean skin, without lotions, creams or fragrances of any kind before coming in. Following a treatment you may feel a little sensitive, but generally people just feel very clean and sleek. More good news is you don't need to wait for hair to grow in like waxing, you can continue shaving any hair you see (it will be reduced immediately).
Blue Water Medical Spa has created this website about aesthetics including laser hair removal for informational purposes only. The content provided here should not be perceived as formal medical advice, nor does the understanding constitute a formal medical relationship with Blue Water Medical Spa. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment for formal advice with our plastic surgeon and skin care specialists. We proudly serve clients in Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Durham, Cary, and surrounding areas in North Carolina
