Atlantic Dermatology
Atlantic Dermatology
1099 Medical Center Drive
Wilmington, NC 28401
Phone: (910) 251-9944
Atlantic Dermatology Associates, P.A. prides itself on being one of the most advanced Dermatology offices in the nation. We specialize in Cosmetic, Laser, Medical, and Surgical Dermatology. Since our establishment in 1994, our goal has been to provide top quality skin health care and to be the gold standard for Eastern North Carolina. Our patient satisfaction surveys speak for themselves with 98% of patients willing to recommend our practice to a friend.
Laser Hair Removal
Since 1995 we have been performing Laser hair removal. Through the years we have had many advances in technology and now use the Candela GentleLASE Alexandrite Laser. We found this to be the most effective laser on the market, and, after using it on hundreds of patients, we are convinced that this is the best hair removal system for anyone with brown or black hair. For dark skinned patients we use the gentle Yag .These lasers are set apart from other lasers by being at an ideal wave lengths. The Candela GenteLASE Alexandrite Laser has a cooling spray that helps cool the upper layers of the patient's skin, allowing us to deliver more energy to the follicle without damaging the surface. This cooling spray is crucial in obtaining optimal results. The Candela GentleLASE (which was upgraded to the GentleLASE Plus in January of 2000) is the only hair removal laser with this cryogenic spray for skin protection. This laser was FDA approved in 1999 and we have found that it results in an excellent permanent hair reduction.
How does the Candela GentleLASE Plus compare to other forms of hair removal? - Traditional hair removal techniques such as shaving, plucking, and waxing provide only temporary relief. Until now the only semi-permanent way to remove hair has been by electrolysis, which can be painful, time consuming, and is limited to small cosmetic areas. Scarring, allergic reactions, and ingrown hairs are side effects of all of these hair removal methods. The Candela GentleLASE Plus safely removes unwanted body hair without damaging pores and delicate structures of the skin. Facial and bikini areas are usually completed in less than 10 minutes. Legs and larger areas can take longer. Other factors may influence the treatment process and are generally best evaluated and discussed at a consultation.
What can I expect during treatment? - Depending upon the amount of hair being treated, the procedure varies from patient to patient. Generally, the treatment will include:
1. Safety eye-wear for all people in the room to protect everyone from the intense laser light.
2. A small hand-piece will be used with a guide that touches the skin to deliver the laser light. A light spray of coolant to the skin will be felt before each laser pulse.
3. Most patients experience only a mild discomfort at the treatment site because the cooling device minimizes discomfort. The degree of discomfort varies with each person depending upon his/her own pain threshold. Patients with a low pain threshold may use anesthetic cream prior to the treatment.
4. The procedure can take as little as 10 minutes or up to an hour depending upon the size of the area being treated.
5. All patients can go home immediately following treatment.
6. The treated area may develop small pink or red welts within thirty minutes after treatment. This typically lasts only a few hours. Rarely, it may last several days. Avoid the sun and certain prescription medications and over the counter medications before and after treatment unless authorized by the physician. You must avoid bleaching, plucking, or waxing hair for 4 weeks prior to treatment. Topical anesthetics may also be requested. Be sure to discuss this with your physician prior to your laser treatment. If you are receiving treatment around the mouth and you have a history of herpes (fever blister), a prophylactic anti-viral therapy may be prescribed. If you are tan or have a dark complexion, a skin bleaching cream may be started 4 to 6 weeks before treatment.
The amount of treatments will vary. - Hair grows in 3 cycles, anagen (growth phase), catagen (resting phase), and telogen (falling out phase). The laser is only effective on the hair in the anagen or growth phase. Approximately 30% of the hair is in the growth phase at any given time. Therefore, it is rare that one treatment would be sufficient. Repeated treatments are necessary to treat hair follicles as they re-enter the growth phase. Other factors affecting patient response are skin color, hair color, and hair texture. Most patients are satisfied with 3-5 treatments.
The Candela GenteLASE Plus is unique. - After several years of performing hair removal and working with well over a dozen lasers as well as receiving demonstrations on virtually every new hair removal system that comes out on the market, we are firmly convinced that the Candela GentleLASE Plus is the best hair removal system on the market for patients with brown or black hair and skin types that are not extremely dark. At Atlantic Dermatology Associates, P.A.
©2010 Atlantic Dermatology
