Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
2577 Stantonsburg Rd
1-800-553-2772 or 252.752.1406
Laser Center - Hair Removal
IPL pulsed light hair removal is an effective solution for the permanent reduction of unwanted facial and body hair. It can be used to remove hair from almost anywhere on the body -- the upper lip, face, underarms, legs, bikini line, shoulders, chest, nipples and back.
IPL pulsed light releases rapid pulses of energy that penetrate the skin and are drawn to the pigmentation of dark hair follicles. Those follicles selectively absorb and are destroyed by the light energy, leaving surrounding tissue minimally affected. Because the light is attracted to dark pigment in the hair follicle, prime candidates for treatment are individuals with fair skin and dark hair. Those with very dark or tanned skin or blonde or gray hair are not good candidates for the procedure.
IPL pulsed light hair removal is not intended for removing all hair permanently, but it does significantly reduce the quantity, thickness and pigmentation level of hairs that regenerate in treated areas.
To prepare for the hair removal treatment, avoid plucking, waxing, bleaching, electrolysis, excessive sunlight, and using cream depilatories or peroxide in the areas to be treated. Side effects, though rare, can include skin irritation, skin pigmentation that fades over time, and mild inflammation. Redness on the treated area is normal and usually fades within 24 hours.
Treatment sessions vary depending on the surface area being treated and amount of hair being removed. Several treatments are usually necessary to achieve the desired results, as the light is only effective on hairs that are in the growing phase. Subsequent sessions at 4-6 week intervals allow for the regrowth of the hairs that were previously in the resting phase.
The use of sunscreen will also be required on any areas exposed to the sun. Tanning and/or overexposure to the sun should be avoided before and during your treatment cycle.
